Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Welcome back to blogging?

I was recently asked by a close friend to start blogging again. It is something I've been considering for a while but the busyness of life and the challenge of what to write has kept me away. There are certainly several 'controversial' topics I'd like to talk about, but the knock-on effects of those are always a challenge and the question remains of what is the best forum for such discussions. I've not yet made my mind up on whether or not to discuss them, and over the next few weeks I'm going to put a lot of thought into them and will come to a decision. But for now, I should probably update you on my life!

I'm currently in the heaviest part of my masters! (LLM Human Rights Law at The University of Nottingham! Exciting!) I have, since the beginning of March, written two essays of 4,500 words (roughly), and have another three to do before the 17th May! (Wah!!) On top of that I have an exam on the 1st May (worth 100% of a full-year module!) and one on the 7th May. So, life is certainly not pressure-free. It's also my birthday on the 4th, and there are some major social events happening on May bank-holiday in Aber that I'd love to go to, but I really doubt I'm going to have the time!

Although life is busy, I'm feeling really quite relaxed and at peace about it - I know God has it all in control! :) Woop for Jesus! It's so freeing to be able to sit back and know that it's all in His hands. The burden is lifted and I'm not panicking anywhere near as much as I was a few months ago!

I've settled in much more to my mum's house now too. Its a really beautiful place and my room, despite not being big, is beautiful. (and very girly). The only downside is that it is 45mins (with no traffic) from uni. This is a real pain when all I need to do is pop in to collect some books. Especially as the uni has a silly system of only giving out the same student parking permits to those that live miiillleeesss away that they give to student with their cars on campus - which means I have the joy of driving for what feels like forever, then walking up a hill lugging masses of books, my lunch, my dinner, a laptop, etc... pah! (You can tell this has been a cause of great frustration!) This is only made more annoying because staff that live close by can park right by the doors - unjust or what!?!

Tom and I have managed to see each other roughly once every two weeks which is great. Although when we have to stretch it to 3 weeks its much harder - 2.5 weeks is definitely my limit! We've also been able to see some of our really good friends a lot since we moved to the midlands which is really good as we had found really hard getting to see them whilst living in Aber because of the time it took to get there and Tom's work commitments. They've had a beautiful little girl this year and it has been great fun playing with her :) It's been especially good for me as I've had a fear of children (especially babies) for a good few years now so it's wonderful being able to deal with those fears and put them away :) Praise God!

I've also been going to a really great church in the centre of Nottingham - I'll post another post up about Gracechurch soon as I've been waffling for too long now and really should be writing an essay! I'm writing this one on philosophical arguments for why abortion and killing and eating unwanted children is wrong! Interesting, I know! (Follow the link for a wiki explanation!)